Lifestyle and demographic associations with 47 inflammatory and vascular stress biomarkers in 9876 blood donors

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  • Bertram Kjerulff
  • Joseph Dowsett
  • Rikke Louise Jacobsen
  • Josephine Gladov
  • Margit Hørup Larsen
  • David Westergaard
  • Susan Mikkelsen
  • Khoa Manh Dinh
  • Lotte Hindhede
  • Kathrine Agergård Kaspersen
  • Michael Schwinn
  • Betina Poulsen
  • Carsten Bøcker Pedersen
  • Clive Eric Sabel
  • Janne Amstrup Møller
  • Jens Kjærgaard Boldsen
  • Linda Jenny Handgaard
  • Lise Wegner Thørner
  • Mette Nyegaard
  • Niels Grarup
  • Pär I Johansson
  • Sanne Schou Berger
  • Tine Kirkeskov Lundquist
  • Torben Sigsgaard
  • Kaspar René Nielsen
  • Mie Topholm Bruun
  • Henrik Ullum
  • Klaus Rostgaard
  • Erik Sørensen
  • Christian Erikstrup

BACKGROUND: The emerging use of biomarkers in research and tailored care introduces a need for information about the association between biomarkers and basic demographics and lifestyle factors revealing expectable concentrations in healthy individuals while considering general demographic differences.

METHODS: A selection of 47 biomarkers, including markers of inflammation and vascular stress, were measured in plasma samples from 9876 Danish Blood Donor Study participants. Using regression models, we examined the association between biomarkers and sex, age, Body Mass Index (BMI), and smoking.

RESULTS: Here we show that concentrations of inflammation and vascular stress biomarkers generally increase with higher age, BMI, and smoking. Sex-specific effects are observed for multiple biomarkers.

CONCLUSION: This study provides comprehensive information on concentrations of 47 plasma biomarkers in healthy individuals. The study emphasizes that knowledge about biomarker concentrations in healthy individuals is critical for improved understanding of disease pathology and for tailored care and decision support tools.

Original languageEnglish
Article number50
JournalCommunications Medicine
Number of pages15
Publication statusPublished - 2024

Bibliographical note

© 2024. The Author(s).

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ID: 385502258