The Experimental Immunology Group 

The Laboratory of Experimental Immunology (LEI) strives to understand the peptide-specific, MHC-restricted nature of T cell recognition. Our interests focus on antigen presentation to T cells, and in particular on the interaction between peptides and MHC class I and II molecules.


























Laboratory of Experimental Immunology
Department of Immunology and Microbiology
University of Copenhagen - Panum Institute
Blegdamsvej 3 - Maersk Tower 07.17.38
DK-2200 Copenhagen K

Contact person
Professor Søren Buus











































Group Leader

Søren Buus

Phone +45 35 32 78 85 

Mobile +45 28 75 78 85

Group members

Name Title Phone E-mail
Bundgaard, Sebastian Julius Research Assistant E-mail
Buus, Søren Professor +4535327885 E-mail
Buus, Anette Stryhn Associate Professor +4535327884 E-mail
Ghanizada, Mustafa PhD Fellow E-mail
Kolhorn, Frederik Master Thesis Student E-mail
Lauridsen, Regitze Marna Johanne Laboratory Assistant E-mail
Nielsen, Lotte Laboratory Technician +4535337421 E-mail
Rahbek, Josefine PhD Fellow +4535335021 E-mail
Schmiegelow, Anne Caroline Laboratory Technician +4535336196
Velgaard, Susanne Laboratory Technician +4535333514 E-mail