Corona virus and epidemics – the Annual meeting of the Graduate School of Immunology
The Graduate School of Immunology at University of Copenhagen has had its Annual Meeting in Immunology and Infectious Diseases at LO-Skolen in Helsingør. This year’s ubiquitous theme was ‘Corona virus and epidemics'.

PhD students and leading researchers within immunology and infectious diseases were gathered to discuss the epidemics and especially Covid-19.
The annual meeting is an exclusive chance for PhD students to meet and learn from leading researchers within immunology and infectious disease.
Around Covid-19
Among the speakers, you could find leading Danish researchers such as Professor and clinician Nina Weis who presented studies of immunogenicity in COVID convalescents and vaccinated healthcare workers, as well as Professor Thomas Benfield giving us an update on the evidence-based treatment of COVID-19. Also Viggo Andreasen from Roskilde University talked about how disease transmission shapes virus evolution.
Many PhD students were also giving small presentations of their project, and the traditional poster session was a buzzing and interesting night at the Annual Meeting.
La grande finale at the this year’s meeting featured ISIM’s Associate Professor Adam Sander about virus-like particles (VLP) vaccines against Covid-19. And as closure of yet another very successful GSI Annual Meeting on Corona virus and epidemics, Professor Flemming Konradsen from School of Global Health, UCPH, talked about the global inequality in access to Covid-19 vaccines.
Thank you to all participants for three enlightening days. You can have a look at the exciting programme here
If you want to know more about the programme of the UCPH Graduate School of Immunology, please click here
Contact: Head of Graduate Programme in Immunology and Infectious Diseases Professor Jan Pravsgaard Christensen
The Graduate Programme in Immunology and Infectious Diseases
The University of Copenhagen's Research Programme in Immunology and Infectious Diseases was established in 2006 to promote research at the PhD level within the fields of immunology and infectious diseases.
The aim of the school is to effectively train the next generation in immunology and infectious diseases and to upgrade research education and supervision.